private Bitmap myBitmap;
URL myImageURL = null;
try {
myImageURL = new URL(imageURL);
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection)myImageURL .openConnection();
InputStream input = connection.getInputStream();
myBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(input);
2012年11月9日 星期五
2012年10月8日 星期一
PHP 字元轉換二、八、十、十六進位
二進位 | 二進制 | (B,Binary) | 00000010=2 |
八進位 | 八進制 | (O,Octal) | 00000010=8 |
十進位 | 十進制 | (D,Decimalist) | 00000010=10 |
十進位 | 十六進制 | (H,Hex) | 00000010=16 |
Binary 跟 ASCII互轉
function asc2bin($str) { $text_array = explode("\r\n", chunk_split($str, 1)); for ($n = 0; $n < count($text_array) - 1; $n++) { $newstring .= substr("0000".base_convert(ord($text_array[$n]), 10, 2), -8); } $newstring = chunk_split($newstring, 8, " "); return $newstring; } function bin2asc($str) { $str = str_replace(" ", "", $str); $text_array = explode("\r\n", chunk_split($str, 8)); for ($n = 0; $n < count($text_array) - 1; $n++) { $newstring .= chr(base_convert($text_array[$n], 2, 10)); } return $newstring; } |
function asc2hex($str) { return chunk_split(bin2hex($str), 2, " "); } function hex2asc($str) { $str = str_replace(" ", "", $str); for ($n=0; $n<strlen($str); $n+=2) { $newstring .= pack("C", hexdec(substr($str, $n, 2))); } return $newstring; } |
Binary 與 HEX互轉
function binary2hex($str) { $str = str_replace(" ", "", $str); $text_array = explode("\r\n", chunk_split($str, 8)); for ($n = 0; $n < count($text_array) - 1; $n++) { $newstring .= base_convert($text_array[$n], 2, 16); } $newstring = chunk_split($newstring, 2, " "); return $newstring; } function hex2binary($str) { $str = str_replace(" ", "", $str); $text_array = explode("\r\n", chunk_split($str, 2)); for ($n = 0; $n < count($text_array) - 1; $n++) { $newstring .= substr("0000".base_convert($text_array[$n], 16, 2), -8); } $newstring = chunk_split($newstring, 8, " "); return $newstring; } |
2012年9月24日 星期一
public int state = 0;private void f2_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
{this.Opacity = 0;
} private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
{if (state == 0)
{this.Opacity += 0.02;if (this.Opacity == 1)
state = 1;
timer1.Enabled = false;
{this.Opacity = Opacity - 0.02;if (this.Opacity == 0)
private void f2closing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
e.Cancel = true;
public int state = 0;private void f2_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
{this.Opacity = 0;
} private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
{if (state == 0)
{this.Opacity += 0.02;if (this.Opacity == 1)
state = 1;
timer1.Enabled = false;
{this.Opacity = Opacity - 0.02;if (this.Opacity == 0)
private void f2closing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
e.Cancel = true;
2012年7月31日 星期二
android get apk version
// use to get this apk version which write in its own AndroidManifest.xml
protected String getVersion() {
PackageInfo pInfo = null;
try {
pInfo = getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(getPackageName(), PackageManager.GET_META_DATA);
} catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
return "";
return pInfo.versionName;
protected String getVersion() {
PackageInfo pInfo = null;
try {
pInfo = getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(getPackageName(), PackageManager.GET_META_DATA);
} catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
return "";
return pInfo.versionName;
2012年7月24日 星期二
從API Level 8(即Android 2.2)開始, Android API 的 layout_width 和 layout_height 新增 "MATCH_PARENT", 其實"MATCH_PARENT"基本上與"FILL_PARENT"相同("FILL_PARENT"已過時); 它們的數值都是-1(0xffffffff), 意味著該視圖盡可能填滿它的父對象減去padding的寬度或高度.
fill_parent 就是让控件宽或者高占全屏,而wrap_content是让控件的高或宽仅仅把控件里的内容包裹住,而不是全屏
fill_parent 就是让控件宽或者高占全屏,而wrap_content是让控件的高或宽仅仅把控件里的内容包裹住,而不是全屏
2012年7月22日 星期日
App 提交 iTunes Store for Xcode 4.3.3
- 登入 iOS Dev Center - Apple Developer
- 點選 iTunes Connect
- 點選 Manage Your Applications
- 點選 Add New App
- 填寫 App Name,可以是中文
- 填寫 SKU Number,替你的 app 取一個 unique 的值
- 點選 You can register a new Bundle ID here.
- 會來到 iOS Provisioning Portal 的 Create App ID 頁面
- Bundle Identifier (App ID Suffix) 就取個類似 的名字
- 回到 Add New App 的頁面,選擇剛剛建立的 App ID
- 然後填了好幾頁的關於 app detail 的表格,上傳 icon 和截圖什麼的
- 點選 Ready to Upload Binary
- 當你看到 Status 是 Waiting For Upload 之後
- Launchpad > 工具程式 > Keychain Access
- Keychain Access > Preferences,把 OCSP 和 CRL 設為 Off
- Keychain Access > Certificate Assistant > Request Certificate from Authority
- 勾選 Saved to Disk 和 Let me specify key pair information
- 選擇 key size of 2048 bits 和 RSA algorithm
- 會在桌面產生一個
- 登入 iOS Provisioning Portal
- 點選 Certificates > Distribution
- 如果 Current Distribution Certificate 底下已經有一個 Certificate 的話,你可以 Revoke 它
- 用剛剛產生的 xxx.certSigningRequest 去 request 新的 Certificate
- 下載 ios_distribution.cer 並放入 Keychain
2012年7月16日 星期一
c# AxWMPLib.AxWindowsMediaPlayer
AllowChangeDisplaySize 返回或設置最終用戶是否能設置顯示尺寸(邏輯型)
AllowScan 返回或設置是否允許掃描(邏輯型)
AnimationAtStart 返回或設置控制項開始播放之前是否先播放一個動畫序列(邏輯型)
AudioStream 返回或設置音頻流的編號(用於多音頻流的剪輯,默認爲-1)(長整型)
AutoRewind 返回或設置媒體文件播放完畢後是否自動回繞(邏輯型)
AutoSize 返回或設置是否自動調整控制項大小來適應載入的媒體(邏輯型)
AutoStart 返回或設置在載入媒體文件之後是否自動開始播放(邏輯型)
Balance 返回或設置指定身歷聲媒體文件的播放聲道(-10000爲左聲道,10000爲右聲道,0爲身歷聲)(長整型)
Bandwidth 返回或設置當前文件的帶寬(長整型)
BaseURL 返回基本的 HTTP URL(字串)
BufferingCount 返回媒體文件重播時緩衝的總時間(長整型)
BufferingProgress 返回緩衝完成的百分比(長整型)
BufferingTime 返回緩衝的時間(雙精度型)
CanPreview 返回或設置當前顯示的剪輯是能否被預覽(邏輯型)
CanScan 返回或設置當前文件是否支援快進或快退(邏輯型)
CanSeek 返回或設置當前文件是否能搜索並定位到某個時間(邏輯型)
CanSeekToMarkers 返回或設置文件是否支援搜索到標簽(邏輯型)
CaptioningID 返回在標題中顯示的幀或控制項的名稱(字串)
ChannelDescription 返回電臺的描述(字串)
ChannelName 返回電臺的名稱(字串)
ChannelURL 返回電臺的元文件的位置(字串)
ClickToPlay 返回或設置是否可以通過點擊圖像暫停或播放剪輯(邏輯型)
ClientID 返回用戶端唯一的識別字(字串)
CodecCount 返回文件使用的可安裝的 codecs 的個數(長整型)
ContactAddress 返回電臺的聯繫地址(字串)
ContactEmail 返回電臺的聯繫電子郵件地址(字串)
ContactPhone 返回電臺的聯繫電話(字串)
CreationDate 返回剪輯的創建日期(日期型)
CurrentMarker 返回或設置當前書簽號碼(長整型)
CurrentPosition 返回或設置剪輯的當前位置(雙精度型)
CursorType 返回或設置指標類型(長整型)
DefaultFrame 返回或設置控制項的默認目標 Http 幀(字串)
DisplayBackColor 返回或設置顯示面板的背景色(OLE_COLOR 值)
DisplayForeColor 返回或設置顯示面板的前景色(OLE_COLOR 值)
DisplayMode 返回或設置顯示面板是否用秒或幀的形式顯示當前位置(MPDisplayModeConstants 值)
DisplaySize 返回或設置圖像顯示視窗的大小(MPDisplaySizeConstant 值)
Duration 返回或設置剪輯剪輯的播放時間(雙精度型)
EnableContextMenu 返回或設置是否允許使用上下文功能表(邏輯型)
Enabled 返回或設置控制項是否可用(邏輯型)
EnableFullScreenControls 返回或設置全螢幕控制是否可用(邏輯型)
EnablePositionControls 返回或設置位置控制是否可用(邏輯型)
EnableTracker 返回或設置搜索欄控制是否可用(邏輯型)
ErrorCode 返回當前錯誤代碼(長整型)
ErrorCorrection 返回當前剪輯的錯誤修正類型(長整型)
ErrorDescription 返回當前錯誤的描述(字串)
FileName 返回或設置要播放的剪輯的檔案名稱(字串)
HasError 返回控制項是否發生錯誤(邏輯型)
HasMultipleItems 返回或設置控制項是否包含某些多重專案的內容(邏輯型)
ImageSourceHeight 返回或設置當前剪輯的原始圖像高度(長整型)
ImageSourceWidth 返回或設置當前剪輯的原始圖像寬度(長整型)
InvokeURLs 返回或設置 URL 是否自動發送請求(邏輯型)
IsBroadcast 返回或設置源是否進行廣播(邏輯型)
IsDurationValid 返回或設置持續時間值是否有效(邏輯型)
Language 返回或設置用於本地化語言支援的當前區域語言(長整型)
LostPackets 返回丟失的資料包數量(長整型)
MarkerCount 返回文件書簽的數量(長整型)
Mute 返回或設置控制項是否播放聲音(邏輯型)
OpenState 返回控制項的內容源狀態(長整型)
PlayCount 返回或設置一個剪輯播放的次數(長整型)
PlayState 返回控制項的當前操作狀態(長整型)
PreviewMode 返回或設置控制項是否處在預覽模式(邏輯型)
Rate 返回或設置重播幀頻(雙精度型)
ReadyState 返回控制項是否準備就緒(ReadyStateConstant 值)
ReceivedPackets 返回已接收到的資料包的數量(長整型)
ReceptionQuality 返回最後 30 秒接收到的資料包的百分比(長整型)
RecoveredPackets 返回已轉換的資料包的數量(長整型)
SAMIFileName 返回或設置 closed-captioning 檔案名(字串)
SAMILang 返回或設置 closed captioning 語言(字串)
SAMIStyle 返回或設置 closed captioning 風格(字串)
SelectionEnd 返回或設置流的結束位置(雙精度型)
SelectionStart 返回或設置流的起始位置(雙精度型)
SendErrorEvents 返回或設置控制項是否發送錯誤事件(邏輯型)
SendKeyboardEvents 返回或設置控制項是否發送鍵盤事件(邏輯型)
SendMouseClickEvents 返回或設置控制項是否發送滑鼠單擊事件(邏輯型)
SendMouseMoveEvents 返回或設置控制項是否發送滑鼠移動事件(邏輯型)
SendOpenStateChangeEvents 返回或設置控制項是否發送打開狀態改變事件(邏輯型)
SendPlayStateChangeEvents 返回或設置控制項是否發送播放狀態改變事件(邏輯型)
SendWarningEvents 返回或設置控制項是否發送警告事件(邏輯型)
ShowAudioControls 返回或設置是否顯示音頻控制(邏輯型)
ShowCaptioning 返回或設置是否顯示字幕(邏輯型)
ShowControls 返回或設置控制面板是否可見(邏輯型)
ShowDisplay 返回或設置是否顯示顯示面板(邏輯型)
ShowGotoBar 返回或設置是否顯示跳轉欄(邏輯型)
ShowPositionControls 返回或設置是否顯示位置控制(邏輯型)
ShowStatusBar 返回或設置是否顯示狀態欄(邏輯型)
ShowTracker 返回或設置是否顯示搜索欄(邏輯型)
SourceLink 返回內容文件的路徑(字串)
SourceProtocol 返回用於接收資料的協定(長整型)
StreamCount 返回媒體幀的數量(長整型)
TransparentAtStart 返回或設置在開始播放之前和停止之後控制項是否透明(邏輯型)
VideoBorder3D 返回或設置視頻邊框是否顯示爲 3D 效果(邏輯型)
VideoBorderColor 返回或設置視頻邊框的顔色(OLE_顔色)
VideoBorderWidth 返回或設置視頻邊框的寬度(長整型)
Volume 返回或設置音量(長整型)
屬性/方法名/說明:AllowScan 返回或設置是否允許掃描(邏輯型)
AnimationAtStart 返回或設置控制項開始播放之前是否先播放一個動畫序列(邏輯型)
AudioStream 返回或設置音頻流的編號(用於多音頻流的剪輯,默認爲-1)(長整型)
AutoRewind 返回或設置媒體文件播放完畢後是否自動回繞(邏輯型)
AutoSize 返回或設置是否自動調整控制項大小來適應載入的媒體(邏輯型)
AutoStart 返回或設置在載入媒體文件之後是否自動開始播放(邏輯型)
Balance 返回或設置指定身歷聲媒體文件的播放聲道(-10000爲左聲道,10000爲右聲道,0爲身歷聲)(長整型)
Bandwidth 返回或設置當前文件的帶寬(長整型)
BaseURL 返回基本的 HTTP URL(字串)
BufferingCount 返回媒體文件重播時緩衝的總時間(長整型)
BufferingProgress 返回緩衝完成的百分比(長整型)
BufferingTime 返回緩衝的時間(雙精度型)
CanPreview 返回或設置當前顯示的剪輯是能否被預覽(邏輯型)
CanScan 返回或設置當前文件是否支援快進或快退(邏輯型)
CanSeek 返回或設置當前文件是否能搜索並定位到某個時間(邏輯型)
CanSeekToMarkers 返回或設置文件是否支援搜索到標簽(邏輯型)
CaptioningID 返回在標題中顯示的幀或控制項的名稱(字串)
ChannelDescription 返回電臺的描述(字串)
ChannelName 返回電臺的名稱(字串)
ChannelURL 返回電臺的元文件的位置(字串)
ClickToPlay 返回或設置是否可以通過點擊圖像暫停或播放剪輯(邏輯型)
ClientID 返回用戶端唯一的識別字(字串)
CodecCount 返回文件使用的可安裝的 codecs 的個數(長整型)
ContactAddress 返回電臺的聯繫地址(字串)
ContactEmail 返回電臺的聯繫電子郵件地址(字串)
ContactPhone 返回電臺的聯繫電話(字串)
CreationDate 返回剪輯的創建日期(日期型)
CurrentMarker 返回或設置當前書簽號碼(長整型)
CurrentPosition 返回或設置剪輯的當前位置(雙精度型)
CursorType 返回或設置指標類型(長整型)
DefaultFrame 返回或設置控制項的默認目標 Http 幀(字串)
DisplayBackColor 返回或設置顯示面板的背景色(OLE_COLOR 值)
DisplayForeColor 返回或設置顯示面板的前景色(OLE_COLOR 值)
DisplayMode 返回或設置顯示面板是否用秒或幀的形式顯示當前位置(MPDisplayModeConstants 值)
DisplaySize 返回或設置圖像顯示視窗的大小(MPDisplaySizeConstant 值)
Duration 返回或設置剪輯剪輯的播放時間(雙精度型)
EnableContextMenu 返回或設置是否允許使用上下文功能表(邏輯型)
Enabled 返回或設置控制項是否可用(邏輯型)
EnableFullScreenControls 返回或設置全螢幕控制是否可用(邏輯型)
EnablePositionControls 返回或設置位置控制是否可用(邏輯型)
EnableTracker 返回或設置搜索欄控制是否可用(邏輯型)
ErrorCode 返回當前錯誤代碼(長整型)
ErrorCorrection 返回當前剪輯的錯誤修正類型(長整型)
ErrorDescription 返回當前錯誤的描述(字串)
FileName 返回或設置要播放的剪輯的檔案名稱(字串)
HasError 返回控制項是否發生錯誤(邏輯型)
HasMultipleItems 返回或設置控制項是否包含某些多重專案的內容(邏輯型)
ImageSourceHeight 返回或設置當前剪輯的原始圖像高度(長整型)
ImageSourceWidth 返回或設置當前剪輯的原始圖像寬度(長整型)
InvokeURLs 返回或設置 URL 是否自動發送請求(邏輯型)
IsBroadcast 返回或設置源是否進行廣播(邏輯型)
IsDurationValid 返回或設置持續時間值是否有效(邏輯型)
Language 返回或設置用於本地化語言支援的當前區域語言(長整型)
LostPackets 返回丟失的資料包數量(長整型)
MarkerCount 返回文件書簽的數量(長整型)
Mute 返回或設置控制項是否播放聲音(邏輯型)
OpenState 返回控制項的內容源狀態(長整型)
PlayCount 返回或設置一個剪輯播放的次數(長整型)
PlayState 返回控制項的當前操作狀態(長整型)
PreviewMode 返回或設置控制項是否處在預覽模式(邏輯型)
Rate 返回或設置重播幀頻(雙精度型)
ReadyState 返回控制項是否準備就緒(ReadyStateConstant 值)
ReceivedPackets 返回已接收到的資料包的數量(長整型)
ReceptionQuality 返回最後 30 秒接收到的資料包的百分比(長整型)
RecoveredPackets 返回已轉換的資料包的數量(長整型)
SAMIFileName 返回或設置 closed-captioning 檔案名(字串)
SAMILang 返回或設置 closed captioning 語言(字串)
SAMIStyle 返回或設置 closed captioning 風格(字串)
SelectionEnd 返回或設置流的結束位置(雙精度型)
SelectionStart 返回或設置流的起始位置(雙精度型)
SendErrorEvents 返回或設置控制項是否發送錯誤事件(邏輯型)
SendKeyboardEvents 返回或設置控制項是否發送鍵盤事件(邏輯型)
SendMouseClickEvents 返回或設置控制項是否發送滑鼠單擊事件(邏輯型)
SendMouseMoveEvents 返回或設置控制項是否發送滑鼠移動事件(邏輯型)
SendOpenStateChangeEvents 返回或設置控制項是否發送打開狀態改變事件(邏輯型)
SendPlayStateChangeEvents 返回或設置控制項是否發送播放狀態改變事件(邏輯型)
SendWarningEvents 返回或設置控制項是否發送警告事件(邏輯型)
ShowAudioControls 返回或設置是否顯示音頻控制(邏輯型)
ShowCaptioning 返回或設置是否顯示字幕(邏輯型)
ShowControls 返回或設置控制面板是否可見(邏輯型)
ShowDisplay 返回或設置是否顯示顯示面板(邏輯型)
ShowGotoBar 返回或設置是否顯示跳轉欄(邏輯型)
ShowPositionControls 返回或設置是否顯示位置控制(邏輯型)
ShowStatusBar 返回或設置是否顯示狀態欄(邏輯型)
ShowTracker 返回或設置是否顯示搜索欄(邏輯型)
SourceLink 返回內容文件的路徑(字串)
SourceProtocol 返回用於接收資料的協定(長整型)
StreamCount 返回媒體幀的數量(長整型)
TransparentAtStart 返回或設置在開始播放之前和停止之後控制項是否透明(邏輯型)
VideoBorder3D 返回或設置視頻邊框是否顯示爲 3D 效果(邏輯型)
VideoBorderColor 返回或設置視頻邊框的顔色(OLE_顔色)
VideoBorderWidth 返回或設置視頻邊框的寬度(長整型)
Volume 返回或設置音量(長整型)
播放器介面模式,可爲Full, Mini, None, Invisible
wmp.controls //播放器基本控制;
wmp.settings //播放器基本設置
wmp.currentMedia //當前媒體屬性
currentMedia.getItemInfo(const string);
獲 取當前媒體資訊"Title"=媒體標題,"Author"=藝術家,"Copyright"=版權資訊,"Description"=媒體內容描述, "Duration"=持續時間(秒),"FileSize"=文件大小,"FileType"=文件類型,"sourceURL"=原始地址
currentMedia.setItemInfo(const string);
同 currentMedia.getItemInfo("Title")
wmp.currentPlaylist //當前播放列表屬性
2012年7月15日 星期日
[C#]使用 Windows Media Player
要在WinForm裡內嵌一個Windows Media Player
1.先去下載Windows Media Player SDK(可以在Help裡面找到需要的說明)
在 Windows\system32 底下的wmp.dll
using WMPLib;
namespace MyProject
public partial class Form2 : Form
public Form2()
// 播放歌曲
axWMP.URL = @"D:\Music\02.AVRIL LAVIGNE 酷到骨子裡 MY HAPPY ENDING.mp3";
// 設定重複播放
//axWMP.settings.setMode("loop", true);
// 設定隨機播放
//axWMP.settings.setMode("shuffle", true);
1.先去下載Windows Media Player SDK(可以在Help裡面找到需要的說明)
在 Windows\system32 底下的wmp.dll
using WMPLib;
namespace MyProject
public partial class Form2 : Form
public Form2()
// 播放歌曲
axWMP.URL = @"D:\Music\02.AVRIL LAVIGNE 酷到骨子裡 MY HAPPY ENDING.mp3";
// 設定重複播放
//axWMP.settings.setMode("loop", true);
// 設定隨機播放
//axWMP.settings.setMode("shuffle", true);
2012年7月13日 星期五
Android Intents - Tutorial
Lars Vogel
Copyright © 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Lars Vogel
Revision History | ||
Revision 0.1 | 20.07.2010 | LarsVogel |
Created | ||
Revision 0.2 - 2.6 | 19.07.2010 - 17.04.2012 | LarsVogel |
bug fixes and enhancements |
Table of Contents
- 1. Android Intents
- 2. Using Intents to call Activities
- 3. Defining Intent Filters
- 4. Intents as event triggers
- 5. Share Intent and ShareActionProvider
- 6. Finding out if an Intent is available
- 7. Prerequisites for this tutorial
- 8. Tutorial: Explicit intents and data transfer between activities
- 9. Tutorial: Implicit Intents
- 10. Tutorial: Registering an IntentFilter
- 11. Tutorial: Picking an Image via Intent
- 12. Thank you
- 13. Questions and Discussion
- 14. Links and Literature
are asynchronous messages which allow Android components to request functionality from other components of the Android system. For example an Activity
can send an Intents
to the Android system which starts another Activity
. Therefore
allow to combine loosely coupled components to perform certain tasks. Intents
can be used to signal to the Android system that a certain event has occurred. Other components in Android can register to this event and will get notified. Intents
are instances of the android.content.Intent
class. Intents
are send to the Android system. Depending on how the Intent
was constructed the Android system will run an receiver determination and determine what to do. An
can also contain data. This data can be used by the receiving component. For example your application can calls via an Intent
a browser component. As data is it may send the URL to the browser component. Android supports explicit and implicit
The following shows an explicit
explicitly names the component which should be called by the Android system, by using the Java class as identifier. The following shows an explicit
. If that Intent
is correctly send to the Android system, it will start the associated class. Intent i = new Intent(this, ActivityTwo.class); i.putExtra("Value1", "This value one for ActivityTwo "); i.putExtra("Value2", "This value two ActivityTwo");
are typically used within on application as the classes in an application are controlled by the application developer.
For example the following tells the Android system to view a webpage. Typically the web browser is registered to this
If only one component is found, Android starts this component directly. If several components are identifier by the Android system, the user will get an selection dialog and can decide which component should be used for the
do not specify the Java class which should be called. They specify the action which should be performed and optionally an URI which should be used for this action. For example the following tells the Android system to view a webpage. Typically the web browser is registered to this
but other component could also register themself to this event. Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(""));If these
are send to the Android system it searches for all components which are registered for the specific action and the data type. If only one component is found, Android starts this component directly. If several components are identifier by the Android system, the user will get an selection dialog and can decide which component should be used for the
An implicit
Explicit and implicit
The component which creates the
For example you can trigger all components which have been registered to send some data via the
The component which receives the
contains the Action and optional the URI. The receiving component can get this information via the getAction()
and getData()
methods. Explicit and implicit
can also contain additional data. This data call be filled by the component which creates the Intent
. It can and can get extracted by the component which receives the Intent
. The component which creates the
can add data to it via the overloaded putExtra()
method. Extras are key/value pairs; the key is always a String. As value you can use the primitive data types (int, float,..), String, Bundle, Parceable and Serializable. For example you can trigger all components which have been registered to send some data via the
new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND)
This Intent
determines possible receivers via the type. What is send it defined via the putExtra
method. You can use any String as key, the following uses the keys which are predefined for the ACTION_SEND intent. Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); intent.setType("text/plain"); intent.putExtra(android.content.Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, "News for you!"); startActivity(intent);
The component which receives the
can use the getIntent().getExtras()
method call to get the extra data. Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras(); if (extras == null) { return; } // Get data via the key String value1 = extras.getString(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT); if (value1 != null) { // Do something with the data }
If you send an
To start an
If you call an
to the Android system, Android requires that you tell it to which type of component your Intent
should be send. To start an
use the method startActivity(Intent)
. This method is defined on the Context
object and available in every Activity
object. If you call an
with the startActivity(Intent)
method the caller requires no result from the called Activity
If you need some information from the called
If you use the
If the Sub-Activity is finished it can send data back to its caller via Intent. This is done in the
Once the
use the startActivityForResult()
method. public void onClick(View view) { Intent i = new Intent(this, ActivityTwo.class); i.putExtra("Value1", "This value one for ActivityTwo "); i.putExtra("Value2", "This value two ActivityTwo"); // Set the request code to any code you like, you can identify the // callback via this code startActivityForResult(i, REQUEST_CODE); }
If you use the
method then the started Activity
is called a Sub-Activity
. If the Sub-Activity is finished it can send data back to its caller via Intent. This is done in the
method. @Override
public void finish() {
// Prepare data intent
Intent data = new Intent();
data.putExtra("returnKey1", "Swinging on a star. ");
data.putExtra("returnKey2", "You could be better then you are. ");
// Activity finished ok, return the data
setResult(RESULT_OK, data);
Once the
finished, the onActivityResult()
method in the calling Activity
will be called. @Override
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
if (resultCode == RESULT_OK && requestCode == REQUEST_CODE) {
if (data.hasExtra("returnKey1")) {
Toast.makeText(this, data.getExtras().getString("returnKey1"),
If an
This determination is based on
The following will register an
This is an example how you could define an Intent receiver for the ACTION.SEND Intent.
If a component does not define
The following example will register an Activity for the ACTION_SEND intent for the "text/plain" mime type.
is send to the Android system, it will determine suitable applications for this Intent
. If several components have been registered for this type of Intent
, Android offers the user the choice to open one of them. This determination is based on
. An IntentFilter
specifies the types of Intent
that an activity, service, or broadcast receiver can respond to. An IntentFilter
declares the capabilities of a component. It specifies what an Activity or Service can do and what types of broadcasts a Rseceiver can handle. It allow the corresponding component to receive Intents of the declared type. IntentFilters
are typically defined via the AndroidManifest.xml
file. For BroadcastReceiver
it is also possible to define them in coding. An IntentFilters
is defined by its category, action and data filters. It can also contain additional metadata. The following will register an
for the Intent
which is triggered when someone wants to open a webpage. <activity android:name=".BrowserActivitiy" android:label="@string/app_name"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> <data android:scheme="http"/> </intent-filter> </activity>
This is an example how you could define an Intent receiver for the ACTION.SEND Intent.
<activity android:name=".ActivityTest" android:label="@string/app_name" > <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.SEND" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> <data android:mimeType="text/plain" /> </intent-filter> </activity>
If a component does not define
filters, it can only be called by explicit Intents
. The following example will register an Activity for the ACTION_SEND intent for the "text/plain" mime type.
<activity android:name=".ActivityTest" android:label="@string/app_name" > <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.SEND" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> <data android:mimeType="text/plain" /> </intent-filter> </activity>
As of Android 3.1 the Android system will by default exclude all
This is an additional security features as the user can be sure that only the applications he started will receive broadcast
from receiving Intents
if the corresponding application has never been started by the user or if the user explicitly stopped the application via the Android menu (in Manage Application). This is an additional security features as the user can be sure that only the applications he started will receive broadcast
. Intents
can also be used to send broadcast messages into the Android system. BroadcastReceivers
can register to event and will get notified if such an event is triggered. Your application can register to system events, e.g. a new email has arrived, system boot is complete or a phone call is received and react accordingly.
As said earlier, since Android version 3.1 the Android system will per default exclude all
from receiving Intents
if the corresponding application has never been started by the user or if the user explicitly stopped the application via the Android menu (in Manage Application).
As of Android 4.0 you can also add an Action Provider to your ActionBar which allows to share. For this you have to define a special menu entry and assign an
Unfortunately this does not seem to work in the Android emulator, see Bug report for details .
which contain the sharing data to it in your Activity
. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <menu xmlns:android="" > <item android:id="@+id/menu_share" android:title="Share" android:showAsAction="ifRoom" android:actionProviderClass="android.widget.ShareActionProvider" /> <item android:id="@+id/item1" android:showAsAction="ifRoom" android:title="More entries..."> </item> </menu>
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
// provider is a field in your Activity
provider = (ShareActionProvider) menu.findItem(
return true;
public void setShareIntent() {
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, "Message");
Unfortunately this does not seem to work in the Android emulator, see Bug report for details .
Sometimes you want to find if an application has registered for a certain intent. For example you want to check if a certain receiver is available and if you enable some functionality in your app.
This can be done via checking the
This can be done via checking the
. The following code checks if an Intent
exists. You can check via this method for Intent
and change your application behavior accordingly for example disable or hide menu items. public boolean isIntentAvailable(Context context, String action) {
final PackageManager packageManager = context.getPackageManager();
final Intent intent = new Intent(action);
List<ResolveInfo> resolveInfo =
if (resolveInfo.size() > 0) {
return true;
return false;
The following assumes that you have already basic knowledge in Android development. Please check the Android development tutorial to learn the basics.
Android – Using Intents to Open Files
Do you want to open from your code some mp3 or image file with the default media player/image viewing application? Use this:
If you want to open some other supported files with their own applications take a look at the table below to see the exact types you should use. If you don’t find in the table the file extension you want don’t worry, use the type String with the wild card character like this (and if your system supports that file it will be loaded by the appropriate application):
For more info on MIME types and files handling based on their extension take a look at the MIMETypeMap documentation.
| File videoFile2Play = new File( "/sdcard/nice_movie.mpeg" ); Intent i = new Intent(); i.setAction(android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW); i.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(videoFile2Play), "video/mpeg" ); startActivity(i); File musicFile2Play = new File( "/sdcard/some_file.mp3" ); Intent i2 = new Intent(); i2.setAction(android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW); i2.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(musicFile2Play), "audio/mp3" ); startActivity(i2); |
| File videoFile2Play2 = new File( "/sdcard/nice_movie2.mp4" ); i.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(videoFile2Play2), "video/*" ); startActivity(i); |
Extension | MIME Type | |
Android Application | .apk | application/ |
Text | .txt | text/plain |
.csv | text/csv | |
.xml | text/xml | |
Web related | .htm | text/html |
.html | text/html | |
.php | text/php | |
Image | .png | image/png |
.gif | image/gif | |
.jpg | image/jpg | |
.jpeg | image/jpeg | |
.bmp | image/bmp | |
Audio | .mp3 | audio/mp3 |
.wav | audio/wav | |
.ogg | audio/x-ogg | |
.mid | audio/mid | |
.midi | audio/midi | |
.amr | audio/AMR | |
Video | .mpeg | video/mpeg |
.3gp | video/3gpp | |
Package | .jar | application/java-archive |
.zip | application/zip | |
.rar | application/x-rar-compressed | |
.gz | application/gzip |
For more info on MIME types and files handling based on their extension take a look at the MIMETypeMap documentation.
2012年7月12日 星期四
MIME types
MIME types
MIME is a standard that classifies resources and provides information (to programs) about how to handle them. This allows the correct handling and interpretation of different type files by programs (like browsers). For example, thanks to MIME, browsers can open correctly a ".txt" file as a plain text resource and not as a video stream or other type.When a MIME type is not specified for a resource, the handling program can "guess" it from the resource's extension (e.g., a file with the ".bmp" extension is supposed to contain a bitmap image). But this may not always give good results as a file extension may be asociated to more than one format. On the other hand, MIME types are unique. This is the main reason why MIME types should be defined everywhere possible.
In HTML documents, authors can use MIME types in many instances, usually through the "type" attribute. Some special cases of its use are with the "enctype" attribute in the HTML form element, and when defining the document's "content-type" in the HTML meta tag.
MIME types list
MIME type | Extension |
application/acad | .dwg |
application/arj | .arj |
application/base64 | .mm |
application/base64 | .mme |
application/binhex | .hqx |
application/binhex4 | .hqx |
application/book | .boo |
application/book | .book |
application/cdf | .cdf |
application/clariscad | .ccad |
application/commonground | .dp |
application/drafting | .drw |
application/dsptype | .tsp |
application/dxf | .dxf |
application/envoy | .evy |
application/excel | .xl |
application/excel | .xla |
application/excel | .xlb |
application/excel | .xlc |
application/excel | .xld |
application/excel | .xlk |
application/excel | .xll |
application/excel | .xlm |
application/excel | .xls |
application/excel | .xlt |
application/excel | .xlv |
application/excel | .xlw |
application/fractals | .fif |
application/freeloader | .frl |
application/futuresplash | .spl |
application/gnutar | .tgz |
application/groupwise | .vew |
application/hlp | .hlp |
application/hta | .hta |
application/i-deas | .unv |
application/iges | .iges |
application/iges | .igs |
application/inf | .inf |
application/java | .clas |
application/java-byte-code | .clas |
application/lha | .lha |
application/lzx | .lzx |
application/mac-binary | .bin |
application/mac-binhex | .hqx |
application/mac-binhex40 | .hqx |
application/mac-compactpro | .cpt |
application/macbinary | .bin |
application/marc | .mrc |
application/mbedlet | .mbd |
application/mcad | .mcd |
application/mime | .aps |
application/mspowerpoint | .pot |
application/mspowerpoint | .pps |
application/mspowerpoint | .ppt |
application/mspowerpoint | .ppz |
application/msword | .doc |
application/msword | .dot |
application/msword | .w6w |
application/msword | .wiz |
application/msword | .word |
application/mswrite | .wri |
application/netmc | .mcp |
application/octet-stream | .a |
application/octet-stream | .arc |
application/octet-stream | .arj |
application/octet-stream | .bin |
application/octet-stream | .com |
application/octet-stream | .dump |
application/octet-stream | .exe |
application/octet-stream | .lha |
application/octet-stream | .lhx |
application/octet-stream | .lzh |
application/octet-stream | .lzx |
application/octet-stream | .o |
application/octet-stream | .psd |
application/octet-stream | .save |
application/octet-stream | .uu |
application/octet-stream | .zoo |
application/oda | .oda |
application/pdf | |
application/pkcs-12 | .p12 |
application/pkcs-crl | .crl |
application/pkcs10 | .p10 |
application/pkcs7-mime | .p7c |
application/pkcs7-mime | .p7m |
application/pkcs7-signature | .p7s |
application/pkix-cert | .cer |
application/pkix-cert | .crt |
application/pkix-crl | .crl |
application/plain | .text |
application/postscript | .ai |
application/postscript | .eps |
application/postscript | .ps |
application/powerpoint | .ppt |
application/pro_eng | .part |
application/pro_eng | .prt |
application/ringing-tones | .rng |
application/rtf | .rtf |
application/rtf | .rtx |
application/sdp | .sdp |
application/sea | .sea |
application/set | .set |
application/sla | .stl |
application/smil | .smi |
application/smil | .smil |
application/solids | .sol |
application/sounder | .sdr |
application/step | .step |
application/step | .stp |
application/streamingmedia | .ssm |
application/toolbook | .tbk |
application/vda | .vda |
application/vnd.fdf | .fdf |
application/vnd.hp-hpgl | .hgl |
application/vnd.hp-hpgl | .hpg |
application/vnd.hp-hpgl | .hpgl |
application/vnd.hp-pcl | .pcl |
application/ | .xlb |
application/ | .xlc |
application/ | .xll |
application/ | .xlm |
application/ | .xls |
application/ | .xlw |
application/ | .sst |
application/ | .pko |
application/ | .cat |
application/ | .stl |
application/ | .pot |
application/ | .ppa |
application/ | .pps |
application/ | .ppt |
application/ | .pwz |
application/ | .mpp |
application/ | .ncm |
application/ | .rng |
application/vnd.rn-realmedia | .rm |
application/vnd.rn-realplayer | .rnx |
application/vnd.wap.wmlc | .wmlc |
application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc | .wmls |
application/vnd.xara | .web |
application/vocaltec-media-desc | .vmd |
application/vocaltec-media-file | .vmf |
application/wordperfect | .wp |
application/wordperfect | .wp5 |
application/wordperfect | .wp6 |
application/wordperfect | .wpd |
application/wordperfect6.0 | .w60 |
application/wordperfect6.0 | .wp5 |
application/wordperfect6.1 | .w61 |
application/x-123 | .wk1 |
application/x-aim | .aim |
application/x-authorware-bin | .aab |
application/x-authorware-map | .aam |
application/x-authorware-seg | .aas |
application/x-bcpio | .bcpi |
application/x-binary | .bin |
application/x-binhex40 | .hqx |
application/x-bsh | .bsh |
application/x-bsh | .sh |
application/x-bsh | .shar |
application/x-bytecode.elisp | .elc |
application/x-bytecode.python | .pyc |
application/x-bzip | .bz |
application/x-bzip2 | .boz |
application/x-bzip2 | .bz2 |
application/x-cdf | .cdf |
application/x-cdlink | .vcd |
application/x-chat | .cha |
application/x-chat | .chat |
application/x-cmu-raster | .ras |
application/x-cocoa | .cco |
application/x-compactpro | .cpt |
application/x-compress | .z |
application/x-compressed | .gz |
application/x-compressed | .tgz |
application/x-compressed | .z |
application/x-compressed | .zip |
application/x-conference | .nsc |
application/x-cpio | .cpio |
application/x-cpt | .cpt |
application/x-csh | .csh |
application/x-deepv | .deep |
application/x-director | .dcr |
application/x-director | .dir |
application/x-director | .dxr |
application/x-dvi | .dvi |
application/x-elc | .elc |
application/x-envoy | .env |
application/x-envoy | .evy |
application/x-esrehber | .es |
application/x-excel | .xla |
application/x-excel | .xlb |
application/x-excel | .xlc |
application/x-excel | .xld |
application/x-excel | .xlk |
application/x-excel | .xll |
application/x-excel | .xlm |
application/x-excel | .xls |
application/x-excel | .xlt |
application/x-excel | .xlv |
application/x-excel | .xlw |
application/x-frame | .mif |
application/x-freelance | .pre |
application/x-gsp | .gsp |
application/x-gss | .gss |
application/x-gtar | .gtar |
application/x-gzip | .gz |
application/x-gzip | .gzip |
application/x-hdf | .hdf |
application/x-helpfile | .help |
application/x-helpfile | .hlp |
application/x-httpd-imap | .imap |
application/x-ima | .ima |
application/x-internett-signup | .ins |
application/x-inventor | .iv |
application/x-ip2 | .ip |
application/x-java-class | .clas |
application/x-java-commerce | .jcm |
application/x-javascript | .js |
application/x-koan | .skd |
application/x-koan | .skm |
application/x-koan | .skp |
application/x-koan | .skt |
application/x-ksh | .ksh |
application/x-latex | .late |
application/x-latex | .ltx |
application/x-lha | .lha |
application/x-lisp | .lsp |
application/x-livescreen | .ivy |
application/x-lotus | .wq1 |
application/x-lotusscreencam | .scm |
application/x-lzh | .lzh |
application/x-lzx | .lzx |
application/x-mac-binhex40 | .hqx |
application/x-macbinary | .bin |
application/x-magic-cap-package-1.0 | .mc$ |
application/x-mathcad | .mcd |
application/x-meme | .mm |
application/x-midi | .mid |
application/x-midi | .midi |
application/x-mif | .mif |
application/x-mix-transfer | .nix |
application/x-mplayer2 | .asx |
application/x-msexcel | .xla |
application/x-msexcel | .xls |
application/x-msexcel | .xlw |
application/x-mspowerpoint | .ppt |
application/x-navi-animation | .ani |
application/x-navidoc | .nvd |
application/x-navimap | .map |
application/x-navistyle | .stl |
application/x-netcdf | .cdf |
application/x-netcdf | .nc |
application/x-newton-compatible-pkg | .pkg |
application/x-nokia-9000-communicator-add-on-softw | .aos |
application/x-omc | .omc |
application/x-omcdatamaker | .omcd |
application/x-omcregerator | .omcr |
application/x-pagemaker | .pm4 |
application/x-pagemaker | .pm5 |
application/x-pcl | .pcl |
application/x-pixclscript | .plx |
application/x-pkcs10 | .p10 |
application/x-pkcs12 | .p12 |
application/x-pkcs7-certificates | .spc |
application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp | .p7r |
application/x-pkcs7-mime | .p7c |
application/x-pkcs7-mime | .p7m |
application/x-pkcs7-signature | .p7a |
application/x-pointplus | .css |
application/x-portable-anymap | .pnm |
application/x-project | .mpc |
application/x-project | .mpt |
application/x-project | .mpv |
application/x-project | .mpx |
application/x-qpro | .wb1 |
application/x-rtf | .rtf |
application/x-sdp | .sdp |
application/x-sea | .sea |
application/x-seelogo | .sl |
application/x-sh | .sh |
application/x-shar | .sh |
application/x-shar | .shar |
application/x-shockwave-flash | .swf |
application/x-sit | .sit |
application/x-sprite | .spr |
application/x-sprite | .spri |
application/x-stuffit | .sit |
application/x-sv4cpio | .sv4c |
application/x-sv4crc | .sv4c |
application/x-tar | .tar |
application/x-tbook | .sbk |
application/x-tbook | .tbk |
application/x-tcl | .tcl |
application/x-tex | .tex |
application/x-texinfo | .texi |
application/x-troff | .roff |
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文章 (Atom)